
Showing posts from October, 2020

Albrecht Durer and his influence on German Renaissance

Albert Durer (1471-1528) was one of the most influential artists in German Renaissance. He was specialized in woodcut printmaking and engraving. In this blog, we will first discuss Albert Durer's career, then we will discuss his contemporaries artist Raphael (1483-1520) from Italy and  Matthias Grunewald (1470-1528) from German. Lastly, we will summarize how Albert Durer impact the Northern Renaissance. Like  Cunningham  said: Durer was strongly influenced by Italian artistic styles and , through Italian models, by Classical ideas. ( Cunningham  335).                                        Albrecht Durer (1471-1528), Self-Portrait, c. 1500 Durer visited Italy twice and he learned the new technique of linear perspective there. Also, Italian Renaissance humanism had impacted on Durer. He  developed his idea of woodcuts and engraving.  Cunningham ...

Michelangelo in his late life

I read the article " The 2014 Josephine Waters Bennett Lecture:"Certain of Death": Michelangelo's late life and art", written by William E. Wallace. In his article, Wallace discussed Michelangelo Burnarroti 's final 18 years from age 71 to age 89. This is the least familiar part of Michelangelo's life. In our textbook, chapter 13, did not discuss too much Michangelo's later years. In the textbook, it was more about Michelangelo's earlier achievement such as the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, the Medici Chapel, The New Saint Peter's plan. The later period artwork that was discussed in the textbook was the last judgement. However, In the article of " the 2014 Josephine waters Bennett Lecture:"certain of Death": Michelangel's late life and art." the author was mainly focus on michangelo's later year artworks and his changing style. Wallace made a great point by saying: "His late life was concerned...