Renaissance Art
Hello everyone, in this week's blog I am going to talk about Renaissance. In my textbook Culture and Values A Survey of the Humanities chapter 12, the main ideas was to discuss the history of Renaissance Art from early 14th century to the city of Florence in the 15th century. It focused on Medici family and their patronage artists. Per my textbook, Michangelo's talent and some of the influences he absorbed in Florence under the Medici (Cunningham 285). In the video, the main idea was to discuss the Arts in the Republic of Florence from Dante to Michangelo. Per the narrator, civilized human life depends on not only on modanatty, but on healthy simulation of the past. (Art of the western world, 24:04-24:09)
Michangelo, Pieta, 1498-1499, marbleIn Botticelli's La Primavera c. 1478, I have learned that this work of art is an elaborate mythological allegory of the burgeoning fertility of the world. (Cunningham 282). I also learned each figures name in this paining. For example, the wind god Zephry, the nymph, and the goddens Flora, god Mercury, and three dancing Greaces. It changed my perception because Botticelli combined Greek myth figures with his imaginary goddess. He recreated the beauty of human body. Also, in this painting, he didn't try to hide the body shape. It was a very bold work of art in that time period.
Sandro Botticelli, La Primavera, c. 1478, Tempera on Canvas
In our textbook, we discussed the history of Renaissance from the early 14th century. It discussed the development of art. From Masaccio and Brunelleschi to later artists Michangelo and Da Vinci. However, in the video, it discussed more about sculptures in the later 15th centuries of Florence.
work citation:
Cunningham, Lawrence S, Culture and Values A Survey of the Humanities, Cengage Learning; 8th Edition (February 15, 2013)
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